Who Freed the Canines?

Happy Dogs

We here at B. Rocke love doggos! For 2018 (The Year of the Dog) we want your canines to be comfortable, happy, and live their lives to the fullest. There are many ways to achieve this, from creating a dedicated dog run to getting a little more creative with your green space.

Crazy Dog

Did someone say, “run”?!

The first and most common feature in dog-friendly yards is the dog run. Runs are often constructed at the property line where dogs like to run, bark, sniff, and do other cute dog things. However, this is often detrimental to the grass in that area. A remedy for this is creating a rock garden with smooth River Wash, which is easy on little paws and can also handle regular foot traffic. Another benefit is that your dog(s) can be trained to use the run as their bathroom, eliminating those unsightly dead patches on your lawn. This can be accomplished through obedience training, or more simply by erecting a wooden or metal fence around the run.

Winter Dog | B. Rocke Landscaping | Winnipeg, Manitoba

Look at this beautiful (but sad) doggo in the cold with no B. Rocke patio!

Another option for the more pampered doggos out there is artificial turf. Rock gardens can get hot in the searing summer sun (for which I’d readily trade one of our messy spring snowfalls), and turf is just real enough to fool our furry, goofball friends. With the right base material it easily absorbs liquids and it’s a lot more difficult to destroy than regular sod.

Happy Dog | B. Rocke Landscaping | Winnipeg, Manitoba

Look at this beautiful (and happy) doggo with a B. Rocke patio!

B. Rocke Landscaping can design and build a yard that’s as comfortable for your dog(s) as it is for you!

Patio Dog | B. Rocke Landscaping | Winnipeg, Manitoba

Look at this Queen of Doggos in her new B. Rocke yard!

P.S. We love to meet pets when we’re on site for free consultations (provided they’re not too scary and/or bitey)!


Brennan Fedak

Brennan Fedak









